Water Diplomacy Consultancy
BIT Consultancy was established in response to the need for a multidisciplinary approach to trans-boundary water interactions with customized strategies for each client: We assist our clients achieve their interests through sustainable strategies. BIT consultants work resolutely with clients (governments, aid agencies, NGOs and private sector companies) to solve a wide variety of cross-boundary hydro-political issues, ranging from political spheres to environmental aspects. We use a multi-faceted approach, taking into account the geo-political aspects, political constraints and stakeholders’ expectations.
2011 – today
Geo political consultant for the rehabilitation of the Lower Jordan RiverContracted by the Lower Jordan River Rehabilitation Adminstration
Geo-political consultant for the Energy-Water Nexus in the Middle East Project.Commissioned by the Eco-Peace Middle East Forum.
Team member reviewing the work of the Israeli-Palestinian Authority – Joint Water Committee.Commissioned by the Strategic Foresight Group, Mumbai / Government of Switzerland. 2014Strategy design for update of Geneva’s Vision on Water within the Permanent Status Agreement.Commissioned by the Palestinian-Israeli Geneva Initiative.
Consultation and analysis report on the Water Allocation Reforms in Israel.Commissioned by SIWI – OECD.
Consultation for the “Evaluation of Finnish Water Sector Innovation and Support System,” and presentation of the report: “Israel’s National Plan for Promoting Water Technologies Industries.”Commissioned by Gaia Consulting Ltd. / Government of Finland.
Strategy design, report and analysis for The Economic Dimension of the Arab Peace Initiative: Water Cooperation. Commissioned by the AIX Think Tank / Peres Center for Peace.
Team Leader – Recommendations for solutions in “normalization aspects” of the Israel and Arab State Peace Agreement.Commissioned by the ECF – The Economic Cooperation Foundation Track II Think Tank.